Our Services
Landlord Representation
Secure top-tier tenants for your property.
Maximize your Real Estate potential by strategically positioning it in the market.
Highlight the exceptional features of your properties with powerful marketing strategies.
Tenant and buyer procurement, rigorous selection, and compelling attraction.
Tenant Representation
Identify the optimal space for your business operations.
Identification of strategic locations with a competitive edge.
Reviewing and renewal contracts.

Roberto Cepeda
As Real Estate Director, I specialize in Industrial Brokerage. My main role is to provide Tenant / Buyer Representation Services to international manufacturing and Logistic companies, as well as Landlord Representation Services for both Institutional and Private Developers.

Cd. Juárez, Chih.
Bulevar Tomás Fernández, Las Fuentes, 32437 Juárez, Chih.

Torreón, Coah.
Col, Paseo del Tecnológico No. 751, Amp la Rosita, 27250 Torreón, Coahuila